Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Bead Bar at Gallery 141!

About 30 steps in and a turn to the left brings visitors to the Gallery 141 Bead Bar. A world of beads and findings awaits. Many unique and rare gemstone, glass, shell, metal, and crystal beads, buttons, charms, and findings await. At the bead bar you can assemble your own piece of jewelry or bead art right in the Gallery or take your bead treasures home and create a masterpiece. Need help or ideas, just ask!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A View of Gallery 141: 20 Steps Inside!

In this picture we are about 20 steps inside of Gallery 141. Here you can see jewelry, paintings, collage, photography, felted mittens, vintage crystals, eyeglasses, & more. Don't be fooled, this is just the beginning of our tour through the gallery! We'll be featuring many more views of the gallery and introducing you to our feature & resident artists.

A View of Gallery 141: From the Front Door

This is a peek at Gallery 141 through our front door. Remember our collection of art is ever changing & evolving.... what you see today may be completely different tomorrow. We host new artists and creations the First Friday of every month and welcome you to join us. Reception is 6-10pm.

If you've visited us in the past, be sure to stop in again... you'll be surprised to find a whole new world of offerings from local and nationally acclaimed artists and designers.