Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday at the Gallery...

Hello! This is Kristie, one of the newer artists here at Gallery 141. I wanted to post an informal hello from the Gallery & and ME. I am the person who started this blog & I'm hoping Alana & some of our artists will join me in posting entries. So, come on everyone.... start typing... it doesn't have to be formal... just share a bit of yourself, your inspiration, your bio, or pictures of your art, or WHATEVER you like with the world!

Alana recently had surgery on her ankle... we're wishing her a fast recovery & I'm hoping she'll take some time to type a little... once the pain medicine wears off! She is always so full of energy and Alana, I'm challenging you to start typing! To our customers & fans, send us some comments!

Back to me for a minute... I joined the co-op at Gallery 141 in December 2007. The first time I entered Gallery 141 I was at home. I am new to the area, but fast becoming acquainted with the community & the many one way, confusing streets in Lancaster, PA! I have met so many artists, locals, & visitors and everyone has been so inspiring, friendly, and helpful. Moving here has been great, though I still mange to get lost now and then. I work Wednesdays 10-4 and the time goes by fast! So, I'm off for now... see you next Wednesday! Be sure to stop in to see my jewelry creations or visit me at

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